We are an English-speaking church in Trondheim, Norway. We are a fellowship of believers from many different nations who have gathered under the lordship of Jesus Christ to form an international church in Trondheim, Norway. No matter what your nationality or denomination, you are very welcome to worship with us.
Statement of Purpose
- Trondheim International Church is a Bible-believing church striving to be a living example of the Gospel we proclaim.
- We seek to bring others to Christ and develop them in the faith.
- We commit ourselves to worship, to serve God and others, and to extend the Kingdom of God.
We started the fellowship in May 2003, as part of Trondheim Baptist Church. We have gradually become a fellowship of believers from many different nationalities, cultures and backgrounds. We have also become a fellowship of different denominational backgrounds (Baptist, Pentecostal, Evangelical, truth-seeking Catholic and Charismatic, etc.). In January 2008, we decided to form our own inter-denominational fellowship in Trondheim. We are united with one dream and one vision for our fellowship.
Our Vision
- To reach the international community with the good news of Jesus Christ.
- To provide a warm Christian fellowship where friendship are formed and love is practiced.
- To be transformed in worship and service. To honour God’s Word in everything we do.
- To show the Lordship of Jesus Christ in our lives.
- To trust the Holy Spirit to work in us and through us.
- To prayerfully and financially support mission and outreach far and near.
- To believe God to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.